Paul in Moscow was the precursor to Beyond Utah. At the time (2014), I was in my second year of university, and I needed to complete an internship abroad. Having never left the USA, I moved to Moscow, Russia to teach English with International Language Programs (ILP).
Original Post:
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Today was wonderful. Our local coordinator, Guyla, took us downtown (ish) to see some of the cool sights near the Moscow River.
The majority of our group met up at the Molodezhnaya metro platform. From there, we took the train to another station and walked to “Gorky Park.” Here’s one of the many entrances.

Just past the entrance is a fountain!

In addition to fountains, they have ice cream shacks, giant bean bags, vegetable gardens and big shoes.

We walked down the waterfront to our meeting place. It’s Madison’s birthday tomorrow so we surprised her with pizza!

After our little “party,” we went to go find an ATM (“bonkomat” in Russian). But first, a picture with the I <3 Moscow sign. 😉

After the ATM, we made a quick pit stop at McDonald’s! Which, of course, we documented with pictures.

By now it was 2:00pm. Our ferry ride was at 2:30pm. The following pictures were taken during the ferry ride…

*The original post had an imbedded video, check back later to click this link to see the uploaded version via YouTube.
We finished the ferry ride and walked to the Novospassky Monastery. We were not allowed to take pictures inside the church, but the outside alone was breathtaking.

All in all, a pretty fantastic day!