Happy New Year’s!
Sending you all the happiest wishes for 2019. I’m writing this from Salt Lake City, where I was able to spend part of the holidays with my family. December had me jet setting all over the place. I went as far as west as LA, as far south as the Dominican Republic and as far east/north as Paris. I flew through a total of 8 cities, I spent over 85 hours in the air, and enjoyed 4 different layovers. December’s Layover of the Month is New Orleans!

It was my first time visiting New Orleans, and I only had the chance to truly explore the famous French Quarter. The French Quarter is very walkable – I was able to get around quickly (streets are clearly marked) and for the longer trips there’s the “streetcar” (think of a trolley). I didn’t use it mainly because it was a b e a u t i f u l 60° and sunny and I wanted to soak up every moment of warmth.

I loved is the vibrant ambiance that lives in the streets of the French Quarter. On several corners there were bands playing Jazz music and passerbys would watch, listen, and dance. In the cafés, there was live music to enjoy while trying New Orleans’ famous gumbo and beignets.

One thing that did catch me off guard, I was surprised at number of people pan handling (asking for money). In all my travels, I’ve never been asked so many time for money in such a short period of time. No one was aggressive and it didn’t damper my experience, but I wasn’t expecting that in the slightest. I’m curious to know about everyone else’s experience in New Orleans in the comments below!
Again, I’m wishing you all the best in 2019! I have some exciting trips lined up in January and I’m excited to share them with you all.
— Paul