Welcome to my bucket list page! This quintessential inventory has a home in the journals of adventurers, backpackers, and tourists alike! I wanted to publish mine here to track my progress as time goes by!

The Bucket List:
▢ Skydiving
▢ Ride a camel
▢ Pet an elephant
▢ Visit Australia
▢ Hot air balloon ride
▢ Visit Antarctica
▢ Help crew a sailboat
▢ Speak publicly (not on panel)
▢ Visit all the Disney parks
▢ Dogsledding
▢ Go on a cruise
▢ Octoberfest in Germany
▢ See a musical/show on Broadway
▢ Go on a safari
▢ Celebrate Chinese New Year in China
▢ Attend a music festival
▢ Meet a head of state
▢ Visit all 50 US states; currently at 39
▢ Visit 50 countries before age 50; currently at 34
✓ Helicopter ride
✓ Snorkel above a coral reef
✓ Stay in a haunted hostel
✓ Visit Bali
✓ Spend the night in a monastery
✓ Volunteer at a coastal clean up project
✓ Horseback riding on a beach at sunset
✓ Fly first class on international flight
✓ Visit Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia
✓ Speak publicly (part of a panel)
✓ Adopt a puppy
✓ Study abroad
✓ Attend a Russian ballet
✓ Visit a mosque
✓ Start a blog
If you think there’s something I should add to this list, please comment below!
Updated April 16, 2020